by Key Solutions | Jan 14, 2015
If you are an incumbent contractor, doing a respectable job, but have a nagging fear of customer “incumbent-itis” as the contract re-compete date draws closer and closer, here’s a strategy and best practice that can help solidify your chances for winning: Problem:...
by Dr. Richard Nathan | Sep 15, 2014
We are often asked, sometimes too late, if the incumbent program manager should be assigned as the Capture and/or Proposal Manager for the recompete. I cannot emphasize my answer too strongly: No, No, No, and NO again. Capture Manager and Proposal Manager hats...
by Key Solutions | Jul 24, 2012
In•cum•bent [in-‘kəm-bənt] Noun. The current holder of a contract. Ex: The incumbent was preparing for a recompete of work it had successfully performed for years. In•cum•bent•i•tis [in-‘kəm-bənt-‘i-tis] Noun. Disease-like condition leading to lost...
by Key Solutions | Oct 20, 2011
Your contract ends soon, and your customer will issue a new RFP. Who’s worried? Over time the scope has increased, and the contract is now a significant element of the customer’s business model. You’ve performed successfully for years, avoiding or...